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2006 - 2006

3 Datensätze


Z. Pizlo, E. Stefanov, J. Saalweachter, Y. Haxhimusa, W. Kropatsch:
"Traveling Salesman Problem: A Foveating Pyramid Model";
The Journal of Problem Solving, 1 (2006), 1; S. 83 - 101.

Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag)

V. Stefanov:
"Bridging the Gap between Data Warehouses and Organizations";
Vortrag: 13th Doctoral Consortium on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (at CAiSE 06), Luxembourg; 05.06.2006; in: "Proceedings of Workshops and Doctoral Consortium, 18th Conference on Advanced Information System Engineering (CAiSE'06)", Namur University Press, Luxembourg (2006), ISBN: 2-87037-525-5; S. 1160 - 1167.

V. Stefanov, B. List:
"Business Metadata for the Data Warehouse - Weaving Enterprise Goals and Multidimensional Models";
Vortrag: International Workshop on Models for Enterprise Computing (IWMEC) at the 10th International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2006), Hongkong, China; 16.10.2006; in: "Models for Enterprise Computing 2006 - International Workshop at EDOC 2006", IEEE Digital Library, DOI: 10.1109/EDOCW.2006.27 (2006), ISSN: 1541-7719; Paper-Nr. 20, 9 S.