
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

I. Feinerer:
"Analysis and Algorithms for Stemming Inversion";
Poster: 6th Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference, Taipei, Taiwan; 12-01-2010 - 12-03-2010; in: "Information Retrieval Technology - AIRS 2010 Proceedings", P. Cheng, M. Kan, W. Lam, P. Nakov (ed.); Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6458 (2010), 290 - 299.

English abstract:
Stemming is a fundamental technique for processing large amounts of data in information retrieval and text mining. However, after processing the reversal of this process is often desirable, e.g., for human interpretation, or methods which operate on sequences of characters. We present a formal analysis of the stemming inversion problem, and show that the underlying optimization problem capturing conceptual groups as known from under- and overstemming, is of high computational complexity. We present efficient heuristic algorithms for practical application in information retrieval and test our approach on real data.

Stemming, inversion

"Official" electronic version of the publication (accessed through its Digital Object Identifier - DOI)

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.